Friday, March 31, 2006

I Know I'm Not Alone

Tamara, Katie and I went to see Michael Franti last night at The Uptown theatre. It was a very well-presented evening. Franti did a bit of comedy (about how cold it is in Canada) before introducing his movie I Know I'm Not Alone. The movie was about a trip he took to Bagdad to talk to average Iraqi citizens on how they felt about the American occupation. He then travelled to Israel and Palestine to make a comparison between the two occupation situations. The movie was really good, although I think too big a topic to really get to the heart of it. This was followed by a Q&A session, which made the whole evening seem very intimate. He then finished off the night with an accoustic performance. In all, a very enjoyable time with an overall message of "You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can't bomb it into peace."

Also, Jon and I had pizza from the Wicked Wedge last night and it was uber-fantastic! He has introduced me to the wonderful world of honey and hot sauce on pizza... sounds gross but is oh-so good!

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