Thursday, March 23, 2006

So many children!

First of all... I'm so proud of myself! I went running again today! This will be the first week I get in all of the running that my training program is telling me to. And I actually enjoyed it. I think I could get into this. The fact that it's sunny and warm here might have something to do with it though... I'll let you know how I feel about it when I get back to Calgary in the yucky weather.

The big event of the day was taking the girls to get their pictures taken. You would think this would be a simple task, but this is not the case. The place was pandemonium. There were about 6 families with young children there waiting to have their pictures taken. Children, children everywhere. Luckily our children were very well behaved. The place was running very behind so what should have been a fairly quick outing turned into three hours. Eventually we got the pictures and both of the young ladies fell asleep in the car on the way home so all ended well.

The excitement of the afternoon was when I went to Cameron Village and bought my new dress! It's so pretty, I love it. Now all I need is a tan to go with it.

Also, on the topic of my upcoming travels, I think I've decided that I will save enough money to be unemployed for a few months and look for a new job when I get back. I don't think it'll be too difficult to get something new, and I'm willing to work as a tech instead. Damn, I'm getting excited!

And now for more photos...

Alice and I, her in her tutu and high heels (and nothing more), me in my pretty new dress.

Alice mourning the loss of an M&M. She really likes her M's

Jennifer, Alice and I having a tea party.

Claire being adorable even when she's sleeping.


Katie said...

I like the dress Kate. It's definitely you! Is that red hair on Claire?

Kate said...

It definitely has a red tinge to it. Her hair is really funny, it's curly when it's wet and won't lay down when it's dry.