Sunday, April 30, 2006

And Then They Were One

Yesterday was the big day of Dino and Becky's wedding. He is one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world and I've been looking forward to this for a long time. The day was perfect, around 20 degrees C, partly cloudy, and little-to-no wind. The wedding went incredibly smoothly and it was very beautiful. There was a lot of love in the room and I'm certain that they will be happy together for the rest of their lives.

The speeches were all very nice, but a weird thing happened... I think I had the only dry eyes in the room. It was all very emotional, especially when Dino talked about his father, but I felt only numb happiness. I don't know if I'm just all cried-out, or if the drugs have kicked in to the point where I can't feel sad anymore, but it's very strange to me. Usually that stuff would turn me into a weeping mess, but I had nothing. I don't want to be cold, I just don't want to be sad anymore. I'll have to monitor the situation... perhaps I should rent "Terms of Endearment", or "Old Yeller" and see how I make out.

Otherwise, my mood was remarkably upbeat yesterday. I did some last-minute shopping that morning, which always makes me happy. I was able to do a decent job on my make-up, something that is always a little sketchy for me. Katie shared her date (Jameison) with me and he was thoroughly polite, funny, charming and enjoyable. In my ideal, romanitc world, Jon would have shown up at my door that morning, looking fantastic in his suit, and said "May I still take you to the wedding?" And we would have ignored all of our problems, he would have been at-ease with my friends, and we would have been in love for one more day. But, this world is neither ideal nor romantic, so I shared Katie's date and had a fantastic time anyway. We made sure to dance until we shut the place down, and made a damn-good showing for the marriage of the new Petraki! I wish them all the best in this new phase of their lives and love them both dearly. I hope to be just as happy some day.

Dino saying his I do's

Katie and I in the conservatory between the wedding and the reception (ie. before they opened the bar)

Dino and Becky's first dance, with a lovely dip. It definitely pays off to take dance lessons before the big day, they looked wonderful and I'd even go so far as to say they were "enchanting."

Me and the groom, he makes me feel so tiny!

Chum, kickin' it old school. It wouldn't be a successful wedding without someone wearing his tie on his head.

Ian, rockin' out!

Ryan and I, last dance of the night, closing the place down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damn, i'm sexy.