Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Kate's Fridge 197? - 2006... Rest In Peace

After a very long life, my little almond-coloured fridge finally bit the dust. I didn't know almond-fridge for very long, but I will always remember the time we had together. Like the first night in my house with it , when I didn't sleep a wink due to it's general loudness. I'll also remember it's petiteness, so very tiny, just barely big enough to hold a few groceries.
It really is for the best that fridgy is no longer with us. It has been in it's death throes since I've owned it, always threatening to croak. The lovely part is, it is still making all the loud noise, but is no longer keeping anything cold. I like that I can still hear it even though it doesn't work, it's like almond-fridge is talking to me from beyond the grave.
But out with the old and in with the new. Tomorrow, glaringly-white fridge will be delivered. It will still be tiny, and it will be glaringly white... but, it won't be loud!!! And, in theory, it will also refrigerate my food sufficiently. That's all I ask really.

Old almond-fridgy

My fridge full of ice, in an attempt to keep things slightly cold.


Anonymous said...

My condolences on the death of your dear(although recent)friend. The silence will be deafening for awhile no doubt. What does one do with a deceased almond-fridge in Calgary.

Kate said...

The nice people at Coast
Wholesale Appliances will pick it up and take it away for the low low price of $25. And then they probably sell the parts for a healthy profit... but at least it's not in my house anymore.