Sunday, April 23, 2006

When in Banff...

Saturday night was Becky's stagette in Banff. What do you get when you combine 8 young women, 1 ski town full of 18-25 year-olds, 1 night club and many drinks? One heck of a good time!

The day started with meeting at Dino and Becky's at 1:30 pm. We chatted with the recently-arrived Petraki for a bit and then headed out. Even though I treated him to an oil change and a full tank of gas that morning, Omar had some problems keeping up with the other cars. But, he persevered and Katie and I met up with the rest at our chalet at the Douglas Fir Resort. We had some wine, got Becky all dolled up, received our orders for the scavenger hunt, and let loose on Banff.

Katie, Anne, Jodi and I decided we would take care of the tame items first and leave the more risque items for later at the bar.

We gathered:
  • disposable camera (really good idea, can't wait to see the pics)
  • pine cone
  • post card of the mountains
  • book of matches
  • message for Becky from a stranger (provided by a very nice boy from Cold Lake with bad grammar)
  • signature from a non-Canadian (provided by a very nice boy from Australia)
  • something old (a collection of our already-been-chewed gum)
  • something new (flavoured condom from the bar bathroom)
  • something borrowed (coat check tag)
  • something blue (stolen leaflet on blue paper)
Left for the bar:
  • business card
  • lock of blonde hair
  • a guy's phone number
  • pair of boxers
In the interest of intrigue and confidentiality, I shall withold the results of the remainder of the hunt.

We went for dinner at the Maple Leaf restaurant, which was very enjoyable. None of us had ever eaten there and were all very pleased. I decided that since I was not going to be spending any money/calories on drinking that evening, I would spend it/them all on my meal instead... so I got the bison tenderloin! It was very tasty and I'm pretty sure that it provided all the nutrients I have been lacking in the last week or so. I believe my favorable review went something like "when it's done right, there's nothing like a good piece of buffalo."

After dinner (which was accompanied by a lot of wine) we headed back to the chalet to get dolled up and have a few more drinks. Lots of girl talk ensued and make-up and skirts were donned. Maegan had arranged for no-line, no-cover, a table and champagne at Aurora's so we were back out again by 10:30 to get the good times rolling. We hit the dance floor and the booze, while feeling a little out of place age-wise. I think Jodi was a little afraid she might run into one of her students! In the end I think Becky had a really good time, as did we all.

Katie and I had intended to go skiing today but I was low on energy and motivation this morning so we called it off. I've got an appointment tomorrow morning and then I think I'll head off to Jasper for a little getaway. I have lived in Alberta for 4 years (the anniversary is on Thursday, actually) and I still have not been to Jasper. I need to get away for a bit but don't want to spend a lot of money to do it, so I thought this would be a good destination. I'm going to take my camera, hiking boots, bathing suit and some good books, and I intend to relax, sit back and soak it all in. I'm really excited to see the Icefield Parkway, and might even splurge and do the touristy trip out onto the glacier. I'm also hoping to find a comfy, cozy B&B to stay at, preferably with gourmet breakfasts. Now that my appetite is back, and since everyone is asking if I've lost weight, I'm looking forward to eating some tasty food... like another strip from the loins of a mighty buffalo!

And without further ado, some photos from the weekend...

Becky in her get-up.

Katie and the nice Australian boy.

Jodi and Becky getting their groove on.

Myself, Katie and Anne, all dicky-do'ed up

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