Monday, May 01, 2006

Hot Damn!

I've had an extraordinarily large number of people (>5) tell me that I look great in the last few days. I'm really liking it... makes a girl feel good ya know! I'm not sure why I look "great" but I have a few theories:

#1 I have lost weight. I haven't been brave enough to get on the scale, for fear of having not lost anything but my mind, but I haven't been eating much in the last few weeks and I've still been running so I'm hoping it's making a difference.

#2 I have been sleeping. Thanks to the little blue pills and some discipline, I've been getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night, usually more. It has been lovely and the dark circles under my eyes are almost non-existent.

#3 I haven't been crying all day. The last anyone at work had seen me I had been crying like a baby every day for weeks. Other than a few leaks here and there, lately I've been able to keep the waterworks under control. Also keeping the area beneath my eyes the desired hue.

#4 My pretty new hair cut. I finally got rid of the horrible mullet that might have been the source of all my depression (I wish). I now have a cute little bob that makes me happy.

#5 My pretty new shoes. All the therapy a girl ever needs, expensive Kenneth Cole shoes from Gravity Pope. They hurt my feet but they're gorgeous and they make me taller.

I'm sure it's a combination of all these things. I'd like to think it's because of a whole lot of #1, but it's more likely that #3 and #4 are the major contributors. I'm just glad it's happening.

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