Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Insane in the Brain

The big crew hit Cypress Hills for the May 2-4 long weekend. All told, on Saturday night there were 14 of us: myself, Katie, Tamara, Ian, Jodi, Chum, Derrick, Dino, Becky, Guillaume, Paula, John, Gillian and Ryan (and Poki). We had our own little tent village. There were tons of laughs, as usual, and a whole lot of relaxing. Here are some of the highlights:

Washington: Katie, Tamara and I stopped in Brooks for lunch on the way to Cypress Hills. As we were leaving, 3 guys were coming out behind us. We were in the car and Tamara was having a hard time getting the car in reverse. I noticed one of the guys approaching her window and I was hoping she'd get it in gear before he got there, but, alas, she did not. She looked up to see him right there beside her. She opened her window and he proceeded to ask us where we were going for the weekend and if he could have our phone numbers. We were all sitting there speechless until I blurted out that we all had boyfriends (the failsafe line) . He took this in stride , told us that it was okay because he had a girlfriend too. We regretfully informed him we would not be giving him our numbers. Before leaving he produced his hand for a handshake, saying "Washington," confusing Tamara... taking it as the place, but, oh no, it was his name. As he was walking away I managed to take a covert photo. Here is Washington in all his glory.

Doug: Still before we had reached our destination, we stopped in Medicine Hat for some groceries and booze. On our way out of the liquor store we ran into an extremely intoxicated couple who had taken a cab there to refuel for the rest of the evening. Doug, the husband, took a liking to us girls, asking us where we were camping and if he could come with. We were in the process of loading our purchases into the car and he caught sight of our new Hoola Hoop. The picture tells the rest of the story... I believe as the picture was taken he was saying "Hold my cigarette and watch this." The adventures prior to arriving at Cypress Hills boded well for an interesting weekend.

Katie's fall: The campsite was on a bit of a hill, dropping off behind the campfire. This meant that fireside space was limited. Katie got the short end of the stick and ended up having to sit with her chair partially on the hill. The night wore on, drinks were consumed, the stars came out in all their glory. Someone pointed out how pretty they were and we all looked up. The next thing we hear is "Oh crap!" We looked over to see Katie had fallen over and down the hill. Instead of making sure she was alright, we all yelled to her to stay where she was so we could get a picture... very funny! And here is the resulting photo.

Ian and Jodi's Crappy Chairs: As per usual form, Ian and Jodi entertained us with bickering all weekend. The subject of the majority of the banter was the purchase of camping chairs. Against Ian's advice, Jodi picked a cheap fake-canvas camp chair. Ian thought it would be more wise to buy an even cheaper canvas folding chair. Well, Jodi's chair did not survive the first night, as Ian managed to tear off one of the arms. Of course, Jodi got an "I told you so." We thought this would be the end of it, but the humour continued as Ian's chair eventually evolved into a lounge chair by day 3. In the end Jodi decided to turn hers into portable toilet.

Fox Valley: There's not much I can do to describe fully our experience in Fox Valley. Suffice it to say that this was a very surreal, creepy and humorous adventure. I believe that there is a great deal of inbreeding among the Schmaltz's in this town. I highly recommend making sure you have enough gas before venturing through rural Saskatchewan.

Great Sand Hills: We had heard lots of good things about the Great Sand Hills, and had also heard it was only a 45 minute drive from the campground. Well, it turned out to be 2.5 hours each way, but we all agreed it was well-worth the 5 hour drive for the 20 minutes we spent there. It was very cool to see sand dunes in the middle of the prairies.

Beautiful Sunset: We went to the lookout at Horseshoe Canyon on Sunday night to watch the sun set over the prairies. It was one of the most wonderful sunsets I had ever seen. The sunset itself was stunning, and in the east there was a storm cloud that was almost as beautiful. The panoramics are on my Flickr page.

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