Friday, May 19, 2006

Pressed Hams

Great evening again last night. I picked up Tamara and we headed out to Sibbald Flats for another MOB ride. As we were driving out Highway 1, Omar trucking along effortlessly due to low wind (he has the aerodynamics of a brick), I noticed an RV annoyingly slowly passing me on the right after I had just passed it. A few seconds later, Tamara announced "We've been mooned!" The RV finished its pass and we tucked in behind it. I then had a revelation... I have my camera with me! So, Tamara fished out the camera and I pulled out to pass. The young men were a little shy this time, and although Tamara asked nicely for some pressed hams, we did not receive any. A little discouraged, we finished our pass and tucked in ahead of them.

Tamara was about to put the camera away when I noticed they were pulling out to pass again. Camera ready, the boys pulled past us again. Although we were not treated to a full moon, they were hanging out of every window, "rowing." We got a couple of good shots, fun times had by all. Made the drive out there entertaining anyway.

After all this excitement, the ride was a little dull. It's called Sibbald Flats for a reason. Not much for a ripping downhill, and it was fairly dull altogether. The riding was a little slow last night too so I didn't really get the adrenalin fix I was hoping for. Oh well, next week. I got lots of exercise anyway.

A huge group of us are heading to Cypress Hills to do some car camping for the long weekend. Lots of photos and stories of adventure will be forthcoming I'm sure!

The young men in the RV on pass #2

RV boys rowing

The RV rowing by

Sophie running along beside me while I rode. There are 3 dogs that come along on the MOB rides, they're quite funny, and fast! Can be a little annoying when they decide to stop in front of you on an uphill though.


We had to do the ride as an out-and-back as the bridge was washed out from last year's flooding.

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