Monday, May 08, 2006

Torpedo, Crows, Poking and Pork

What are "things I have been up to the last 2 days" Alex? Yes, that is correct Kate.

On Sunday night Tamara, Dan, Rob, Katie and I went to see the Black Crows at the Jubilee Auditorium. I was just as excited to see the opening band, Matt Mays and El Torpedo, as I was to see the main act. I had seen them open for Blue Rodeo last summer and then as headliners at the Whiskey this winter and they always put on a good show. Not to mention the fact that they are a bunch of maritimers, the quirky keyboard player is from New Brunswick!!! Way to represent! They were really good as usual, playing some new stuff that I really liked. I'm looking forward to a new cd from them.

The Black Crows did not disappoint. They were the consummate rockers, with their bell bottom jeans, long stringy hair and lots of guitar. We all agreed that there were a few too many long guitar solos and the sound could have been a bit better, but overall it was a good show. As I have never been a fan to the point of owning any of their albums, there was a lot of stuff they played that I had never heard. But they finished off the show with a bunch of their big hits, my favorite being "She Talks to Angels." It was a blast from the past, bringing me back to junior high school dances... I guess I do actually have some fond memories of those years.

Today was my first acupuncture appointment. I really liked it! The acupuncturist (I'm not sure if that's an actual word or not) was awesome. She was extremely thorough with my medical background and really got to the root of the problem. She seems to genuinely care about what's going on in my life and is really eager to help me find some solutions. The treatment was pretty cool. It didn't hurt at all and I was able to really relax, something that I don't do very often. She placed the needles down either side of my spine, targeting the different organs. She concluded that I was extremely tense (something I already knew) and that redness occurred around the needles that targeted my heart, liver and kidneys. According to Chinese medicine, the heart and liver indicate problems with emotion and stress and the kidneys are where we hold fear. No surprises there! I have another appointment on Friday where she is going to take a look at my tongue and my pulse to figure out some other stuff that might be going on and suggest some herbal supplements to help out. I'm very much looking forward to it.

I came home long enough to put on a pair of jeans and grab Omar and then went over to Katie's for dinner. She made pork with mushrooms, capers and olives in a chicken broth, asparagus, and salad with pine nuts, strawberries and feta cheese. Yummy! It's always nice to have dinner with some friends rather than alone on my couch, and the food was much better than anything I've been motivated to cook lately. We'll have to do it more often.

Tomorrow, massage then running!

Matt Mays and El Torpedo

Beautiful view from the Jubilee Auditorium. Spring is finally here... although I drove home in the snow tonight.

Katie, Dan, Rob and Tamara during intermission.

The Black Crows rockin' out.

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