Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Another day in the South

Another big day in NC today. Alice slept through the night last night so I managed to sleep until 7:30 without any feet in my back. I got up, had breakfast and then fingerpainted with Alice for a while. We then got ready to go shopping. Oh boy, did I do some shopping! I didn't actually buy anything because all the very pretty clothes were really really ridiculously expensive. I did, however, find a dress that I loved more than the one I bought at Saks the other day. The great news is, I was able to take the other dress back, and the new one (which I will promptly purchase tomorrow) costs $170 less! Woohoo! I think I can justify buying a new digital camera with the money I saved by buying the cheaper and prettier dress. Everything is falling into place so nicely!

We came home after the shopping and had some lunch. Then I took Alice to the park while my sister stayed home with Claire. I think I am rediscovering how to play, because I'm pretty sure Alice thought I was fun. We made sand castles, then we played on the swings, then we made birthday cakes out of sand and sang Happy Birthday, then we played in the castle, then we played on the tire swing, and then we went on the slide and then... we played on the swings again! Good times!

Not too many life-altering decisions today (except maybe the one about the dress and the digital camera). I have thought a little more about my travel time and I'm thinking I might head to Hawaii and Australia. I'm going to be alone and I'm not sure I'm up to doing South America or Asia on my own. At least I'd feel a little safer in Hawaii and Australia, and I speak the language. I am desperately fighting the urge to go back to Europe. There are too many other places to see, and although I am dying to get back to Provence, it just doesn't make sense.

And now for todays pictures...

Alice making a sand castle at the park. It was beautiful and sunny today.

Alice is obsessed with toe jam. After making sure she got all the sand out from between her toes she took my shoes off and examined mine.

A self-photo of Alice and I at the park.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm so jealous you get to spend your days finger painting and playing in the park! Sounds like you're having a lot of fun!