Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Day 5 in Raleigh

It was another very exciting day in Raleigh today. I managed to sleep in this morning... until 7:20! Much later than I have been anyway. Alice tends to crawl into bed with me at about 4:00 AM and sleeps with her feet jammed in my back until she wakes up crying at 6:00 AM. I want to be cranky, but when I look over and see her little angelic face laying beside me she melts my heart.

After my late start to the day, I was alone with the two girls while my sister drove my brother-in-law to work. I didn't manage to harm either of them in any way so I'm going to chalk that up to being a good aunt. When my sister got back we had a tea party, which was delightful.

Then I decided that since I am supposed to be doing a half-marathon in September (and as of right now I am officially not a runner) I should get my lazy butt out there. I did my requisite 30 minutes as prescribed in the Couch-to-5km training program I'm following. It was pouring rain and very cold by the end of it, but it felt really good to get out and be active for a bit.

This was followed by another stint of babysitting in the afternoon while my sister took the youngest to a doctor's appointment. We played grocery shopping and watched Dora the Explorer, good times had by all. Again, no harm done to the child under my supervision... I'm thinking I might be getting good at this! I also gave the 2-year-old her bath this evening and put her to bed all by myself. The bath went pretty well but the putting to bed thing was a disaster. I won't get into it, but there was a lot of crying involved.

Yeah, so, that's about it for my day. I survived it. I'm discovering I have absolutely no idea how to play anymore. I can be witty and fun with people above the age of about 18, but any younger than that and I'm a bumblng idiot. How the heck do you keep a 2-year-old entertained? If you've got any suggestions I'm all ears (well, eyes really). This responsibility-free lifestyle I've got back in Calgary is still looking mighty sweet!

I've come to a few conclusions/decisions in the last few days. I'm going to go travelling in the summer and/or fall. I had planned on paying off my student loans when I cash in my stock options in July, but that plan has changed. I'm free as a bird right now, nobody tying me down or relying on me in any way. I hate my job and have been intending to quit as soon as my options vest anyway. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of my life, but I'm pretty sure it's not gong to be in the oil patch, or probably geology at all.

So here's the plan... pay off most of my student loan and line of credit, then put aside enough money to sustain me for a few months. I am going to have to look at the economics of it, figure out how much I'll need in order to make mortgage payments, etc. Then I'm going to pick a few places that I've always wanted to go, and I'm going to take off. It's a risky move since I don't know what I'll be coming back to, job or otherwise, but I feel like this is the best opportunity I'm ever going to have to do this.

It's such a relief to have made this decision, to have something to move towards, plan and look forward to. It'll be a great time for me to get back to enjoying me for me, being alone and figuring things out. What better way to get out of a rut than by shaking your life up completely? I've always enjoyed the excitement of chaos in my life, so bring it on!

And now for more pictures from the trip...

Alice and I painting Easter eggs. I think she was better at it than I was.

Another picture of Alice and I painting Easter eggs. If there is an award given for "most pictures with eyes closed" I
am a shoe-in for it! Get used to it, most of my photos will be of me with my eyes closed.

Claire painting an Easter egg. I'm pretty sure hers probably turned out better than mine too. I am defnitely not the artistic type!

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