Sunday, March 26, 2006

Home at last

I made it back to Calgary safe and sound. My flights left relatively on-time, and I actually arrived home a half hour early. On top of that, there was absolutely no line at customs and I didn't have to pay duty on any of my purchases so I was a pretty happy camper. The only real downer for the flights was that the woman sitting beside me from Chicago to Calgary had some major BO issues, it was quite unpleasant, but after 3 hours you get kinda used to it.

I had a nice goodbye with the Melvins, and I didn't even cry too much, which is pretty surprising considering how much of an emotional wreck I've been in the last few weeks. I'm going to miss them all a lot, but I'm sure I'll see them again soon. I'll miss Alice's "hallabout's", Claire's smiles, Mark's usual silly-ness and my times getting to know my sister as a great mom. Keep those videos coming Jen (when you have time!).

Anyway, it's off to bed. I'm very interested to see what time I'll wake up tomorrow. Without Alice's feet in my back at 4:00 am Calgary time, I wonder if I'll sleep in or wake up early out of habit... only time will tell!

The Bostwick sisters and the Melvin sisters! (Alice really didn't want to be in the picture)

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