Saturday, March 25, 2006

I'm so full I could explode!

Today was my last full day in Raleigh. I got up early and went for my run, which officially makes this the first week that I got all my training in! We then went to look at a few houses but Claire started getting really cranky so my sister and I took the girls home. I babysat for an hour or so while Jen went back out to look at another house. Then I went shopping! I was pretty excited to get out and do some shopping on my own but I didn't see anything I liked and really wasn't in the mood to try anything on so I came home empty-handed in the clothes department. I did buy the tea cups and saucers to complete my set of dishes and a really nice cast iron grill. I can't wait to grill all of my food when I get home... maybe I'll even cut back on eating out. I also found a digital camera that I really liked but had commitment issues so I couldn't pull the trigger on the purchase. I think I'll wait until I get back.

This evening Jennifer and I went to the Angus Barn for dinner. It was nice to get her out of the house, and I think she even relaxed for an hour or so. The food was spectacular, we both had filet mignon and she had a chocolate cheesecake for dessert while I had a delightful creme brule. I also had wine and coffee so I'm feeling most good right now.

On a motivational note, I need some. I was feeling really pumped/juiced/ready-to-go on approximately Monday, with how I was going to take charge of my life and make things happen. Well, all that energy fizzled while I was sitting here not being able to do anything about it. I think what I need is to make a "to do" list for when I get back and make sure I do it. I typically make motivational lists and then don't follow through, so it would be really great if my friends helped light a fire under my butt and hold me to those things. To give a heads up, here is the list...

1. Paint my bathroom! I have the colour all picked out, all I need to do now is get at it (and figure out how to do it).
2. Paint my bedroom.
3. Clear all the crap out of my spare room and move the table in from the back of Omar (it has been sitting in there for over a month now)
4. Make a decision on how I'm going to fix my kitchen floor and then do it.
5. Start making travel plans for Hawaii and Australia!
6. Find a climbing class.
7. Keep on running.

No pictures from today. Sorry.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Kate, I would be more than happy to help you with either accomplishing your tasks or motivating you to do them. We should have a reward for every step you complete!