Sunday, April 02, 2006

Big Day, Went to Home Depot to Look at Some Flooring

No, really, I actually did go to home depot to look at flooring. I had a very productive day and weekend in fact. Well, Friday night wasn't so productive. After seeing Jon off for his trip I went for my run and then met up with the crew at the Barley Mill. Six hours and many drinks later I was falling asleep at the table so I decided it was time for me to head home. It was a fun, impromptu evening out.

I wasn't too hung over on Saturday morning, but felt like crap anyway. I managed to clean up the pile of clothes on my bedroom floor, but it will magically re-materialize within a week or so. I then went shopping with Tamara, followed by dinner at Indochine in Kensington. Home for a brief nap and then Tamara and I went to see Ice Age 2, the only half-decent movie playing right now. It was entertaining and a good excuse to shut the brain off for a while. It's a fun movie for geeky geologists such as myself as it was loosely based on the catastrophic flooding of Montana, Idaho and Washington State when Glacial Lake Missoula broke through its ice dam. Very cool stuff, as I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose.

Today was a day of major accomplishments. I went shopping at all my favorite home design places in Inglewood and got a great deal on a beautiful rug for my living room. Then I went to Home Depot to see if I could get some tiles to replace the messed-up ones in the kitchen. Unfortunately the very nice man there told me that it may not be possible, but to check some of the other flooring places first. Then I went to Wal-Mart. I absolutely despise that place, but I knew I'd be able to get the photo I wanted printed there and it was near where I needed to go next so I popped in. I ended up buying a bunch of stuff for my condo that I've been in serious need of. Yay!

When I got home from my big outing I finally finished a task that I've been putting off since I moved in here... I cleaned out my spare room! Since I didn't really have any furniture to put in there, it had become a dumping ground for any spare shit that I didn't have a spot for. My closets were full of empty boxes and packing materials and all the stuff that should have been in them was in the spare room instead. So I put all the boxes and stuff I never use down in the basement, gathered all the stuff I needed to take to recycle, and put my broken bed and mattress out in the dumpster. I also finally brought the table in from the back of Omar and have the beginnings of an office rather than a junk room. I enlisted Katie's help to move the mattress and she also helped rearrange my bedroom. In return I bought her dinner at Fiore, which was delightful. We came back here, had some of the cake Anne made and some tea, and watched Grey's Anatomy.

Now I am completely tuckered out. It was a lot to get done in one day, and there's still so much to do. The rug turned out not to look very good with my pretty chair, so I have to take it back tomorrow and grab a different one instead. I also need to do some serious cleaning and organizing. But, it's a start, and it feels really good to finally get off my ass and get some of this stuff done. I am now patting myself on the back. Well done Kate!

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