Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Surf's Up!

I now have my official and 100% committed plans for the Easter long weekend. Katie and I will be going to Tofino to take surfing lessons! Woohoo! I am so frickin' excited I can hardly contain it. We will be flying to Victoria on Friday morning, renting a car and driving up Vancouver Island to Tofino. Along the way we will see MacMillan Provincial Park and Cathedral Grove, an old growth forest with Douglas Firs up to 76 m in height! The next morning we will start our lessons with Surf Sisters Surf School. We're taking 2 three-hour lessons, and I'm sure that by the end of the weekend I'll at the very least be able to get up on the board. This will be an awesome prep for when I go to Hawaii in the summer/fall. We may do some golfing some time over the weekend too, but other than the surfing, no plans are concrete yet. We'll be flying back Monday night, back to the grind at work again on Tuesday. What a grand adventure it will be!


Anonymous said...


Lisa Chumney said...

great picture!!

Matt Patterson said...

just before you hit the 'town' of tofino there is a street for the mini-motel on the right. If you go down there to the dock at the right time you can buy fresh crab off of the dock and cook that cute guy live on a pot in your barbeque.

kinda gross in a way, but quite delicious