Monday, May 15, 2006

Here it is

So, as a lot of you know, I've been (reluctantly) reading Dr. Phil's book, Life Strategies. There are assignments in each chapter, and they've actually been quite helpful. I had stalled a bit in my progress because I had reached an assignment that was tough. Last night I set my mind to it and finally got it done. The assignment was to list the 5 to 10 most important people in my life, and what would be left unsaid if one or the other of us died right now. Ouch. After I finished it I debated for a long time, to the point of not sleeping, whether or not I should post it on here. In the end I think it is only positive to say these things, and this way I know that they won't be left unsaid. Know that it was really hard to limit the list to the amount of people I did, and they are in no particular order, you are all important to me. Here goes:

Mom: I love you. You have always been an inspiration to me. You've had many difficult things to deal with but you always got through and loved us. You have done such a good job raising us, I always know right from wrong because you instilled good values and made sure we knew what was important and how to treat people. You're such a good person and I'm lucky to be able to call you mom.

Dad: I love you. You amaze me. You grew up in difficult situations but became a wonderful person in spite of it. You've always made me feel special and have always supported me. All I ever want is to make you proud. Your work ethic and sense of adventure are remarkable, and I thank you for inspiring me to be like you. Thank you for everything.

Jen: I love you. I have always looked up to you. You're a terrific mother and wife, your family will always be strong because you are their pillar. I hope I can have the love that you do some day, you deserve all of it. You're also a great sister and daughter. Your devotion to our family is amazing, you will always be fondly remembered by anyone whose life you've touched. I wish we had been better friends growing up, because you are a great friend now and I wish I'd had more of it.

Alice and Claire: I love you. You girls mean everything to me. In your short lives you have shown me greater joy and warmth than I have ever known. Your innocence is heart-breaking. I've enjoyed watching you grow up and experience new things. To see either of you smile lets me know that something is right in the world and warms me to the core. I hope you grow to be smart, strong, confident and compassionate women, I know you will. You have shown me the value of children and given me direction in my life. I know that I want children now, and they will be so lucky to have you as cousins.

Grampy: I love you. You are the patriarch of a great family, your love and devotion have shaped us all into the people we are. You're love for nanny is inspiring and I think you're so strong to be able to deal with her loss. I hope I have made you proud, thanks for your love and support.

Dino: I love you. You have been such a great friend. I have always known that you would be there for me no matter what. You are a good person, intelligent and caring, and you always know how to make me smile and laugh. You can always count on me through thick and thin. You will be a fantastic father, your family will be safe and strong with your guidance.

Tamara: I love you. You have been a terrific friend. Always there to catch me when I'm falling. I want the best for you, you deserve it. You are a beautiful, kind, caring, intelligent, fun-loving person, and anyone fortunate enough to spend time with you will see that. Thank you so much for being there for me. I wish you love, happiness and success.

Ryan: I love you. Wow! You, my friend, are the most honest, open and real person I have ever met. You wear your enormous heart on your sleeve and we are all better for it. You have always been a good friend and I consider myself fortunate to be able to say so. Don't ever change, you are wonderful the way you are.

Katie: I love you. My dear, you are wonderful! Everyone who meets you immediately perceives your warmth, humour and compassion. I have heard different variations of "Katie is such a great person," so many times from anyone who meets you. I admire your way of looking at the world without judgment or pessimism. You brighten a room with your smile. You have also been a warm shoulder for me to cry on, and I always knew that you would be there to understand and support me. It meant so much to me, I will never forget it.

Derrick: I love you. Always will. You have been such a huge part of my life, and I wouldn't change that for the world. I wish that things could have been different between us. We got off to a bad start and I think we took each other for granted. We never fully appreciated each other and that is too bad. I hope you find all the happiness you deserve. You have the capacity to love deeply so don't hold it back. Share it unreservedly with someone special and you will be happy.

Sara: I love you. I am so sorry we have lost touch. I have been selfish and lazy, and too afraid to call you and face up to that. You are a remarkably strong person and I admire your ability to persevere. I wish things could have been easier for you, you deserve nothing but happiness and I hope that you will always have it. I miss the times we spent together. You are one hell of a partner in crime and an amazing friend, I will never forget that.

Anne: I love you. You've been a great friend. You've made my transition to Calgary so easy as you shared your friendship, family and home with me. You've been such a great help through rough times, and know that I will always be there to return the favour, though I hope I never have to. You have a big, kind heart and are so giving of it. Thanks for everything.

Jon: I love you. I'm sorry that things didn't work out. I'm sorry it was so hard. I'm sorry and hate that you're not part of my life right now. The short time we had together affected me immensely. I grew as a person, felt things I hadn't felt before, expanded my horizons. You are an amazing person and I am so grateful that I was able to have you in my life and experience the joy of being close to you. I really hope you can be happy. You deserve it, don't ever forget that.


Anonymous said...

Kate, the things you said are so beautiful. Thank you for your kind words. We all love you so very much and we want all the happiness for you in the world. You are a wonderful sister, daughter, friend and the best Aunt. Alice and Claire are extremely lucky to have you, we all are. You need to know that you mean so much to all of us. You are beautiful, kind, loving, sincere and honest.
I love you.

Kate said...

Thank you Jen.

Anonymous said...

Kate, I Love you so much and you make me so proud no father could ask for more. I could be nothing but proud of your achievements,your great strengths, goals and your scense of adventure.
What father could ask for any more than to have two beautiful,inteligent and strong willed daughters,and not to forget two beautiful grand childern.
I Love you