Sunday, May 14, 2006

Oh, My Aching Body!

Big day! I was up bright and early for the 9:00 am start of the Mother's Day Run and Walk. Katie and I did the 5 km run. I usually run alone so it was fantastic to have Katie to run with today, it takes your mind off of what you're actually doing and it goes by so much faster. I don't have the official results yet but they will be printed in the Calgary Herald and on tomorrow. I will also post an update on here. I think we finished somewhere around 29:40 min or so, not bad.

Afterwards we sat at Olympic Plaza with the 12,000 other runners/walkers and had some free food and beer (oopsy, it was just a small glass). We also got free massages and listened to a Latino band. It was very relaxing and enjoyable, a very civilized way to spend a Sunday morning if you ask me.

I then came home, got all cleaned up and went to Thai Tai to get some lunch. I had the usual to eat, rice vermicelli bowl with spring rolls, but to drink I got the iced Vietnamese coffee... oh, my, god! It was so friggin' good! It's like there was a party in my mouth and everyone was invited. I now know how I will spend relaxing hot summer days: at home on my porch, sipping one of those bad boys!

Anyway, that was lunch. Then I finally got up the gumption to do some work on the garden, and boy was it a lot of work! It looked like nobody had touched it for at least 2 years. All the old dead stuff was in amongst the new growth and there were leaves, garbage and weeds everywhere. I think I ended up working on it for at least 6 hours. As a result of all the work I am suffering from: a sunburn, an aching back, cuts, scrapes and rough hands. But, it looks good and needed to be done. I am really excited to put some new plants in and make it pretty. It's going to be so nice. I didn't think of taking a before picture, but check out the after shot. I will update photos as the garden progresses. Flowers are pretty, they make me happy.

Katie gives the run 2 thumbs up, way up!

Action shot of me running, notice the hair bounce. Think I could get Safeway to pay me for the product shot?

Post-race, all smiles.

Cheers to drinking beer at 10:30 am! On a Sunday to boot!


Katie said...

Kate, our official time was 28:41! I'd say that's a pretty good time. Woohoo!

Kate said...

Woohoo for us!