Thursday, May 11, 2006

Huuuummmmmmm..... Yoga

Katie and I went to our first yoga class last night and it was awesome! It was Yin Yoga, where the focus is on holding postures for an extended period of time, stretching the connective tissues, as well as deep meditative breathing. I was so relaxed and even felt a little high! It was far more relaxing than my massage the day before. It will be great for my mobility and flexibility, and I'm sure all the stretching will keep my body nice and limber for running. This is definitely going to become part of my routine.

Speaking of running, it is coming along beautifully. I ran more than 5 km yesterday and was still feeling good. I signed up for my first race, the Mother's Day 5 km run on Sunday, May 14th. I'm so excited, I can't wait to get out there and test myself! I feel like I've really accomplished something, and it's not that I've accomplished a certain distance goal, it's that I have taken up an activity that I've stuck with and I'm seeing results.

And, on top of all this other good stuff, I had a revelation yesterday. For the first time since grade 9 (when Jeremy Poplar said "She's got a big ol' butt") I looked in the mirror and saw my body for what it was. I didn't hate it, I didn't see layers of fat and unwanted curves. I saw legs that were attractive, not perfect, but nothing to be ashamed of. I saw my true figure without any negative thoughts. It's possible that my legs are thinner and more toned than they used to be, but I'd actually rather it be that I'm just happy and satisfied with my appearance for once. It was a good feeling, and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I think I could really start to like this new me! Hooray!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hi, thanks for the compliment.