Thursday, May 11, 2006

MOB Ride

Tamara and I joined the MOB today for our first group ride. For those of you not in the know, MOB stands for Muffs On Bikes. I like it, kinda crass, just my style! Go with what you know, eh! We went out to Upper/Lower Sibbald, aka Pinetops, aka Jumpingpound Creek and met up with about 10 other ladies for a ride. It was awesome! It was so much fun to ride with a bunch of women. They were all really supportive of each other, very friendly and of varying skill and fitness levels so it was easy to feel comfortable with them. It was nice too to figure out how your riding ability compares to other women. I'm used to riding with guys, and I always end up feeling like I'm awful because my strength and stamina just don't compare. As it turns out I think I can hold my own. I was able to keep up with the strongest women in the group and made all the technical spots and steep hills, so I felt really good. It was just an awesome evening. I will definitely be joining them every Thursday for the rest of the summer. I feel like my physical condition is probably the strongest it's been since I was playing field hockey in high school (many moons ago). My legs felt really strong and the hills didn't kill me.

Tamara getting her bike packed into Omar

The great thing about Omar, he comfortably holds 3 bikes. Only two in there tonight though.

The MOB standing around drinking beer and eating chips and brownies after the ride. What can I say, we're girls, we like to eat!

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