Saturday, May 13, 2006


Another Friday afternoon, evening and night spent sober at Molly Malones. This non-drinking thing is really taking a toll on my morale.

The benefits of sobriety include:
  • saving a lot of money
  • not waking up with a hangover
  • reducing the amount of really stupid things you say and/or do
  • being more alert and smarter than those around you
  • knowing that the guy hitting on you only wants to get you in the sack
The downfalls of sobriety include:
  • not having as much care-free fun
  • feeling like an outsider as everyone else around you goes about their evening
  • being aware enough to realize that drunk people can be kind of annoying
  • feeling lonely at the end of the night when you're laying in bed alone, facing the prospect of spending another weekend alone
I'm not really sure which I prefer, drinking is much more fun, but sobriety is a much better decision. At least right now while I don't have a choice I'll be enjoying the benefits.

I hate that weekends used to be something I relished and looked forward to, and now I dread them because the loneliness really sets in then. I find I have my lowest moments on the weekend, when I have time to stop, sit down, get bored and realize I'm alone. I guess the key is to keep busy and try to do all the things I normally would have done, even if I have to do them by myself.

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