Thursday, May 04, 2006


Tamara and I went for a bike ride tonight at Nose Hill. It was really good to get out on my bike for the first time this year. I think the running has made a big difference, I wasn't winded on the hills at all and felt really strong. It was a beautiful evening, I even got to take some photos.

Also, I have determined how I am going to go about de-stressing.

Mondays: Running and acupuncture. Time to align my chi!
Tuesdays: Massage and possibly biking
Wednesdays: Running and Yin Yoga.
Thursdays: Biking
Fridays: Running and quality friend time.
Weekends: Biking, hiking, yoga, quality friend time, quality relaxing time.

If I'm not a big puddle of jello with this lifestyle then it's hopeless.

Tamara with downtown in the background

Pretty flowers at Nose Hill. I'm not sure but I think they're some sort of crocus.

Pretty self-explanatory.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yes, Kate, it is a crocus. In Alberta it's better known as a Prairie Crocus (Anemone patens).