Sunday, October 01, 2006

Joey's Par-tay

I went on a mini road trip on Friday when I journeyed to the deep deep south of Calgary to Joey's house. My land, Copperfield is far away from downtown! As such, Elaine and I came equipped with sleeping bags, jammies and toothbrushes. Good times were had by all, and by about 2:30 am there were at least 10 people camped out on the floor. It turned out to be the first slumber party for me in a long time.

She's really nice and friendly actually

My current career attitude

Yeah, I'm all class. Sylvia managed to slide her hand in there without me knowing again. (And no, I'm not actually drinking like a wino, it's a pose)

A rare shot where Sylvia isn't trying to grab my boob

More class. Vodka and chips, what more does a girl need?

Me trying not to look bad in a picture for once

Me, Elaine and Caitlyn

Joey, Elaine and I in our jammies, the great glasses switch of 2006!

1 comment:

miss.elaine.eos said...

That is such a scary close up of my face!