Monday, January 15, 2007

Birthday Shindig

I had my closest and dearest friends over on Friday night to celebrate the beginning of the Year of Kate. I think old age is getting to me because I had relatively little to drink and yet I believe I was quite intoxicated. We tried to go dancing at the Hi-Fi but the line wasn't moving so we decided to try the Bamboo instead. The line was even longer there so thought we'd try our luck at the Hop n' Brew. On the way we saw Soda and gave that a try. It was only okay there so on we went to get pizza. This at least was a success! I think I actually had the most fun of the night talking to strangers at the pizza place. This may have had something to do with the fact that I'd had a few more drinks in me at that point.

I was too distracted to take any quality pictures so, sorry, there aren't any for this post.

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