I have been opening my mailbox with baited breath everyday, waiting for a response from UC Davis on whether I'd been accepted into the Viticulture and Enology program. So, I was completely blind-sided this afternoon when I checked my home email and saw a message from them... I got accepted!!!!! I am completely shocked and blown away! I have no idea what I'm going to do yet, it's a huge decision. I was counting on not getting accepted and then not having to make the decision, but no such luck.

Congratulations for getting accepted! As a friend I will support you in whatever you decide. However for my own selfish reasons I would hate to see one of my friends move so far away...:(
It has only been two hours since I found out and I've already flip-flopped on what I want to do! It would be really hard to leave the life I have here, all my great friends, a nice house and a good job. On the other hand, it's one hell of an opportunity. Uggghhh!
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