Sunday, August 27, 2006


Dino and Becky had everyone over for a barbecue last night. The purpose for the event was to show off the bitchin' barbecue we all chipped-in to buy them for their wedding present.

Dino showing off the fancy new BBQ

Girls standing around the kitchen

Ava, wearing the cutest skull and crossbones ever, the next generation of Apple Blossom Princess.

Derrick and Brian grazing, the same two guys who only hours earlier were complaining that it hurt to sit.

Anonymous ass-crack... this is what happens when you take a picture of your ass with the camera of a girl with a blog... you get your hairy naked ass on the internet... suckah! (Really I suspect that this is an arm, but it's funnier the other way)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that it is really your ass crack and you just won't admit it.
It is very nice, if you like hairy ass cracks.