Saturday, September 16, 2006

Debbie Downer

I've been an ultra-huge downer of late. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't seem to function on even a minimal level. I manage to get myself fed and dressed, but that's about it. Otherwise I've been cleaning my house and watching TV. It's very very sad and it depresses me deeply. If this is how sad and low I feel while medicated, I can't imagine how bad it would be without the drugs. I hate that this crap has inflicted itself upon me, but I will defeat it's ass if it's the last thing I do!

The silver-lining/bi-product to this low, wheel-spinning state-of-mind is that I have made my house immaculate. I generally tend to be a messy person, and that is probably an understatement. I won't get into the details of my untidiness, but suffice it to say, I'm pretty frickin' disgusting for a girl. But, since I can't seem to get the energy to get out of my house lately, the result has been a state of cleanliness I have never experienced in the past. I am quite proud of the condition of my apartment and thought it was worth some commemorative photos. I have tried putting the panoramics on here for the first time... let me know if you think it looks crappy. I'm not sure if I should just link to them from my flickr page or post them on the site. Please leave a comment with your opinion.

A poorly-exposed picture of my happy little nook of the livingroom. I absolutely love the chair on the right, it is my most favoritist piece of furniture. It really ties the room together!

A poorly-explosed picture of my dining room. I love my high ceilings.
My bedroom. Yeah, that's right, I'm 27 and I still sleep with stuffed animals... you got a problem with that??? They're soft and comfy damnit!

My newly-refinished bathroom. I am very very happy with how the whole thing turned out.

house panoramic 2_1 A view of my living room.

house panoramic 1_1 A view of my kitchen, dining room and living room.

bedroom panoramic_1 My bedroom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your bathroom. Who knew you were such a great decorator(certainly not me!!:))